Back in May when Emily and I attended Mom 2.0 Summit, we met a tall, beautiful lady named Rachel,of Back’nGroove Mom.

After she endeared herself to us and captured our undying affection, she started talking non-stop about something called Spark & Hustle. “Spark & Hustle this, Spark & Hustle THAT”! I didn’t even know what it was! Turns out, Spark & Hustle is a conference for women in small business, and it is making a tour this summer. At first I thought it was just a ploy she was using to get us to come visit her in her hometown of Pittsburgh, but Rachel is actually very involved with Spark & Hustle! Over time and some charming text messages, she convinced me to attend the conference in Pittsburgh coming up on August 9th. (Emily can’t come because she’s going on vacation. LAME.)
I am super-excited to learn more from Tory Johnson, the founder of Spark & Hustle, about doing a better job in small business – which believe it or not, is what this blog has turned into for Emily and me. I am super-excited that my BFF Luanne is going to attend to get some great ideas and inspiration for her small business, Lulee’s Lollies.

I’m also totally jazzed that I have a generous sponsor – Intel!!! – who I’m proud to represent! I am so grateful to Intel for their support of women in small business. Their technologies make SO many small businesses across the world possible! I’m taking with me a Lenovo Edge ThinkPad loaded with some great small business features that I know will be a great help as Emily and I forge ahead with Mommin’ It Up.
If you’re anywhere near Pittsburgh, (it’s a 4.5 hour drive for us from here, not bad at all!) I hope you’ll consider joining us at Spark & Hustle on August 9th. The tickets are really reasonably priced and the information is going to be priceLESS! I can’t wait! You can get more info at the website here.
I’ll report back after my trip!
It’s where I go when I go to IKEA! If you’d like to stop and get me some stuff, I’ll send you a shopping list! Thanks bunches!
Well – I did want you to visit….
But this is even better because you get to build your biz and see me and oh yeh – Tory!!
By the way – I may wear orange if you want to coordinate again!