Deal or No Deal?

Well before the cold from H-E-L-L hit me this week, I was able to get out to CVS on Sunday. So the answer is, ONE deal at CVS, NO DEAL anywhere else. 🙁 I haven’t even been to the grocery, I just sent Bobby out to get some staples. I’m very sad to say that I have both my Kroger and Meijer grocery runs all planned out, complete with coupons in separate envelopes, but I doubt I will be feeling good enough to even get there today. 🙁 Waah! I hate missing those deals. But anyway, here’s what I got at CVS on Sunday.


Irish Spring Body Wash $4.99
Dry Idea $2.99
Bic Soleil razor $6.99
L’eggs trouser socks clearance 75 cents. (Score!)
Total = $15.72
Coupons: $3/$15 CVS email coupon (expired but my CVS takes these for up to 30 days)
50 cents off Irish Spring manu q
$2 off Dry Idea printable manu q
$2 off Bic Soleil manu q
$2 off Bic Soleil Walgreens q (my CVS takes competitor q’s also)

total = 6.22

I paid in ECBs and paid 70 cents cash and got back 9.99 in ECB. Not too shabby! I hear the deals aren’t too great in the coming week, so we’ll have to see if I can find a deal or not!

Well, I wish I had done more, but whaddya do? Hope you all did great! To see how everyone else did, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer, Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom and Shopping Superstars at the Thirfty Mama.

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