I know like, many of you have more than three kids and what-not, but daaaang. I’ve never had three before. And today my husband went back to work and my big kids are still on Christmas Break from school and it was a little crazy. I had a good friend from out-of-town coming over at 11-ish, and it was all I could do to have the kids and myself all dressed and with clean teeth! Fortunately, my mom came over later to help, but we were both still hopping much of the day. She helped keep us going in the dishes and laundry department (I’m not really supposed to be doing stairs right now, much less carrying laundry up and down the stairs and our laundry is in the basement,) (also, my mom luurves our Frigidaire washer and dryer, BTW!) and we both played with the big kids, I nursed the baby, we shared diaper duty, and *shew* it was just A LOT. I let my kids play far more Wii than they usually do (although most of it was Nickelodeon Wii Fit which TOTALLY ROCKS so at least they were getting exercise, right!?) and just tried to relax and not stress.
I am really looking forward to the big kids going back to school. Because although to be honest, they have both been GREAT on break, it is HARD to keep them entertained all day in a way that is not a total drain on their brains. And, they both love school and their routines. And I need to figure out how baby Jonah fits into those routines! How am I going to get a baby and Sophie out the door in time to get Sophie to preschool 4 days a week? Do I carry the car seat with me when I walk her in or get him out and put him in the sling? I guess there is going to be a lot of trial and error involved.
We’ll figure it out. I just hope I can feel recovered and kind of figure things out before it’s “GO” time.
I’m right there with you! My older ones are 2 and 4 and the baby is 4.5 months. The older ones go to preschool one day a week, and to be honest, for me it’s easier the rest of the week because I don’t have to get 4 people ready by a certain time! LOL
Just don’t beat yourself up when the house is a wreck and nobody’s had a shower or bath some days.:) I had Csections with all 3 and it did get much easier once I recovered.
We got a Wii for Christmas so I’m glad to hear good things about that Nickelodeon game. May have to go get that one really soon!:)
As though you are going to have to take Sophie to school. Someone will pop out of the woodwork and solve thath problem for you, I am certain of it.
O.M.G. what a cutie!! Such a cute/sweet picture of a sleeping boy!
I’ve had three kids now for almost 3 years – the “baby” turns 3 in January. I’d like to tell you that it gets easier – – but honestly, I’m still struggling!! I do work full-time-plus – – working anywhere from 36 to 60 hrs per week right now while hubby is in school full time. I work nights, so my schedule is even more “off” than the average normal person. On nights I work, my older two (in school) spend the night with my parents, but when I’m home, I have to have all four of us presentable enough to leave the house by 7:45 in order to get my older two to school (private school, no buses). And I tell you, when the kids outnumber the parents – – it’s just not usually a fun situation!! Good luck!!!!
It is tough in the beginning, but once you have a routine it gets easier. My three are 10, 7.5 and 6. BTW, I found carrying in the car seat easier than getting the baby out.
Jonah is beautiful! Congrats!
Thanks for convincing me to get my tubes tied…like tomorrow! Dr. H thanks you too- a little extra cash in his pocket! But seriously, Jonah is one beautiful baby!
And I’m debating going to 2 kiddos!
It gets easier. My 3rd baby is almost 3 and my older two are 8 and 6. Most days, the baby goes out the door in her pjs because it’s all I can do to get myself and the older two ready for school. I agree that’s it’s easier to get the car seat out and carry him in than putting him in the sling. I had a harder time going from 1 to 2, than 2 to 3. Good luck. You’ll figure it out. I LOVE having 3 kiddos.
Wanna try a hand at my 5???? Lol!
Even though I only have one I would still say keeping Jonah in the car seat would be easier when comes to taking the Soph to school. BTW he is just beautiful!!! I love his dark hair 🙂
Mrs. Duggar called again, she still thinks you’re a wuss!!
Aaron and I were cursing all those people who said that it gets easier the more kids you have. It. Does. Not! Ours are 4, 2, and 9 months, and I’m still trying to figure out where #3 fits into the schedule. Throw in a little homeschool and a husband who works two jobs AND is getting a master’s degree and it’s pure chaos!! On the upside (I swear this IS one), once you recover from the c-section ( you will, because I did =) and you’re getting a little more sleep, everything will appear better than it does now. Oh, I still feel like people look at me with pity. But deep inside, we’ll enjoy every minute of our three little blessings. And, like you, it will only be three! =)
Definitely take it easy! I’ve been through only 2 cesareans and I’m DONE! I can’t imagine trying to work a third into the chaos of a 3 and newly 5 year old.
On another note- I’m kind of going through a similar dilemma with my daughter starting kindergarten next week, and my son going to a different preschool. It was one thing when I dropped them off at the same place at the same time, but now I increase my drive time by 40 minutes and I don’t know if people will be greeting my daughter when we get there or if I have to walk her in. And yes, do I take the 3 year old in (who I’m sure will be devastated when he has to leave his sister?)
Good luck to you!! Hopefully, everything just falls into place for you and all your sweet little ones!
You will find your routine and one day you will wake up and Jonah will be three! I have four under the age of 6, and work full time, and agree with the “it does get easier” bunch.
You will learn to “not sweat the small stuff” be there for the important stuff and the rest will fall into place, especially since you have such awesome family support (you’re welcome emily) nearby. You can do it.
Also you will have days when you feel like you can’t do it… walk away!
Too. Precious. For. Words.
It does get easier, I promise! And just when is gets easier, throw in three more to make it interesting 🙂
When you figure out how you are going to get a baby and Sophie out the door in time to get Sophie to preschool 4 days a week, then let me know, because I am going to have to get a baby and a not quite 2.5 yr old that really likes to be held out the door and into daycare 5 days a week so I’m not late for WORK!!! 🙂
Hi Jenny! I don’t comment here much but first of all, congrats on that beauty of a babe! i just had #3 in June and i have to drag all three into preschool 3 days a week – in the beginning I found it easier to do the sling because I needed to hold hands with the older two. But that was before winter coats and 17 pounds of baby. So now I actually think it’s worth it to pull the whole stinking stroller out and pop the baby carrier into it and go inside that way. i can have the older two hold onto the stroller and my arm doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall off from the carrier. I don’t know how far of a walk it is for you from car door to classroom door, but that’s my solution. Good luck – oh, and you get sympathy points if you walk in late with a baby in a carrier. 🙂